projects (incomplete list)
[07] IPTV (for A1):
Statistical data analysis, graphical illustration of the main results, 2019
[06] HR-Analytics (for ÖBB (Austrian railways)):
Statistical data analysis concerning ten predefined hypotheses, graphical illustration of the main results, 2018
[05] Statistical Data Analysis in Medicine (for Landesklinikum
Amstetten): Statistical data analysis concerning MAST in obese patients, 2016-2017
[04] Confirmed by customer
(for T-Mobile Austria):
Hexagonal binning and aggregation of speed measurements by customers, 2015
[03] Breitbandanalyse Bundesland Salzburg (for the regional government of Salzburg, Austria), in collaboration
with SBR-net Consulting AG:
Analysis of the status quo; Collection, cleaning and aggregation of all relevant data sources on a
100x100 meter grid, 2015
[02] Analysis CTU Data (for Specure and
Czech Telecommunication Office):
Plausibility checking, heavy user filtering, data aggregation and visualization; Implementation in R and SQL, 2015
[01] Opening Hours Illustration
(for Stadtgemeinde Baden):
Analysis of the collected data and summarization of the most important findings in pretty and easy to interpret graphics;
Publication of the results in the Baden Passion Magazine, 2015
Applied projects as employee of University Salzburg (incomplete list)
[11] ProSA:
Basic research in statistics and machine learning, funded by AMAG, 2021 - (project leader)
[11] IDA Lab Salzburg (Lab for Intelligent Data Analytics):
Establishment of a research center with several research teams (lead by 6 postdocs, for 5 years), funded by
Land Salzburg (within the WISS 2025), 2020 - (director)
[10] Sensor failure prediction on MotoGP motorcycles:
Predictive Maintenance MotoGP sensors, funded by KTM Innovation GmbH , 2019 - (project leader)
[09] Wohnbaudatenbank (Analyse und GUI):
Data Analytics Wohnbaudaten, funded by the province of Salzburg (im Rahmen der Wohnbauforschungsmittel), 2019 - (project leader)
[08] KFZ:
Basic research in statistics and machine learning, funded by
Porsche Informatik and
Land Salzburg (within the WISS 2025), 2019 - (project leader, together with
Roland Kwitt)
[07] Successional Generation of Functional Multidiversity:
Cooperation partner of START price winner Robert R. Junker;
Developement of asymmetric dependence measures and more, supervision of one PhD-student in mathematics, 2018 -
[06] Data Analytics in Industrial Environments (for Siemens Austria,
Vienna, Austria):
Data Science: Production of the Future, Smart Sales and Customer Analytics, 2018 (project leader, together with
Roland Kwitt)
[05] Forecasting material requirements (for HAI - Hammerer Aluminium Industries,
Ranshofen, Austria):
Forecasting material requirements, 2018 (project leader)
[04] Data Science Endowed Professorship
Co-applicant of the Data Science Endowed Professorship (5 years) at the University of Salzburg,
funded by the province of Salzburg, the City of Salzburg and the Federation of Austrian Industries, 2018-2023
[03] NIRS Analysis (for
Universitätsklinik für Anästhesiologie, perioperative Medizin und allgemeine Intensivmedizin, Salzburg, Austria):
Analysis Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) data, 2017 (project leader)
[02] Analysis questionnaire data Diacerin for EBS
(for EB-Haus Austria):
Statistical testing for positive treatment effects, 2016 (project leader)
[01] Prozessdatenanalyse Walzenproduktion (for Eisenwerk Sulzau-Werfen):
Detection of possible factors relevant for product quality, development of a R-shiny app to simplify data analysis
for experts, 2015 (assistant project leader)
Applied projects as employee of the ECSC
[04] SIMOP II in collaboration with in collaboration with a regional Spanisch supermarket chain:
Analysis/quantification of the effect of product offers on sales numbers of related products
- estimation of 'group canibalism' based on historical timeseries and offer simulation, 2012-2013 (project leader)
[03] SIMOP I in collaboration with a regional Spanisch supermarket chain:
Forecasting of daily (individual and total)
sales numbers of products during offer and non-offer periods, 2011-2012 (project leader)
[02] Cajacash-project in collaboration with Cajastur:
Forecasting daily withdrawn amounts at cash machines (ATMs)
to improve the cash delivery system, 2010 (operating project member)
[01] MICINN-project: Basic research on flexible (linear) regression models for imprecise data supported by
the Spanish ministry for research and innovation, 2010-2012 (project leader since 2011)
Freelance & Consulting projects (incomplete list)
[07] Assistance and support in the development of automated reports for ticket flows
[06] Data mining radius data
[05] Simulation and Backtesting Voice and mobile broadband with selectable geographical parameters, Implementation in R
[04] Developement of a Q-Voice sampling plan for Austria based on the geographical distribution of the population, Implementation in R
[03] Data mining Scanner-data
[02] Assistance and support in the development of automated mag backbone reports via Sweave
[01] Assistance and support in the development of automated TEMS reports for all mag countries
[04] Development of a forecasting model for losses caused by hail based on POH grid-data from ZAMG Austria, Implementation in R
[03] Geographical (meteorological) risk-zoning of Austria concerning natural hazards, Implementation in R
[02] Development of a stochastic model for flood damages given right-censored historical data, Implementation in SAS and R
[01] Analysis of the interrelation of empirical flood damages and the Austrian HORA project (HOchwasser Risikozonierung Austria)